> I am new to the art team, and would like to ask where would be the best
> place to post my new "Long Term Vision" theme, a follow-up to
> "Gimmie-Human."  I would ordinarily post a new theme directly under the
> Incoming/Intrepid sub-directory, but this is a very ambitious
> "re-envisioning" of Ubuntu and probably not totally implementable in one
> development cycle.  I would like to modularize aspects of the theme
> realization, such that work could begin under Intrepid, and then continue
> implementing other modules in subsequent releases until completion or
> another "vision" takes its place.
Its mentioned on the main Artwork (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork)
page, as well as the Incoming page, a little lower down. Obviously
this is not working, so if anyone has a suggestion to help make this a
little clearer, please email me :).

"If you have a complete concept that is meant to be developed outside
of the regular release cycle, such as Blubuntu--please use the
/PageTemplate and put your page in /Incoming. Keep it clear and
So, the correct place for items that lie outside the release cycle is
here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming Theres a form there
that will help you do that :). Make sure you keep us updated on the
situation in the list though!

For all reading this-- DO NOT email Mark Shuttleworth all your themes.
Submit all things to artwork lists and other places detailed under
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/GetInvolved, as well as
probably www.ubuntu-art.org :). The correct person to contact is the
Canonical Representive, Kenneth Wimer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

What you have so far looks great but remember, the only developer
resources we have are the ones we can muster up ourselves :)

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