----- Original Message ----


>A add-om package in the repos is the way to go. Trick is, letting people
>know about it.

Doesn't the "add-on pack" route expect users to have a-priori knowledge of how 
to use Ubuntu and Linux in general?  Further, add-on packs make it sound a 
little too close to "Ubuntu SP1."  

It also defeats the whole idea of user selected content (since it would be an 
all or nothing pack) -- and the user would not know what he/she is getting in 
advance, even if they did know to look for it.

The interesting part of my idea is that it would really enhance the user 
experience to be able to browse and choose exactly what you want from a 
selection where EVERYTHING is guaranteed to look beautiful.  It would be an 
opportunity to win user mindshare.

Its just an idea though, and I don't take it personally if you like it or not 
-- just something for you to consider.  If anyone does think it is worth 
passing along, please do so.

Brian Fleeger

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