On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 6:48 PM, Matthew Nuzum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, here are links to two more problems -
> #1 [easy] - on Shiki-colors the title bars on inactive windows are too
> transparent so its' difficult to see where to grab. This is especially
> challenging in gimp where you have many open windows.
> http://code.bearfruit.org/~matt/dark/where-click.png<http://code.bearfruit.org/%7Ematt/dark/where-click.png>
> #2 [hard] - on many themes, for example Shiki is shown, its hard to
> tell where you can grab the window. Because there's no difference
> between what we know is the title bar and empty toolbar/menu bar space
> below it it's easy to miss the title bar and grab empty space.
> http://code.bearfruit.org/~matt/dark/grabby.png<http://code.bearfruit.org/%7Ematt/dark/grabby.png>
> #2 is going to be a real challenge for dark themes but is pretty
> important. The fact that there's no visible diff between the title bar
> and the menu is cool looking because its so original. Maybe the reason
> its original is because no one has conquered the usability problem.
> :-( Before Hardy I think there was a patch that allowed us to have
> this capability without messing up the look by making some areas
> appear "grabbable." Anyone else remember this and know what happened?
> If not, then we may need to consider adding a bit of texture so that
> the title bar looks like something you can grab and the menu bar
> doesn't.

Perhaps a mild lighter gray separation line on mouseover may help the #2
usability issue.
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