From: Kido Mariano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> To: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork <>
> Date: Sat, 23 Aug 2008 06:39:59 +0800
> Subject: [ubuntu-art] Dust theme implementation
> I *tried* to implement the Dust theme using one of my other themes as
> base. Try it out:
> (requires Aurora engine installed)
> It's still a bit far from the mockup, and some apps have problems (most
> notably Firefox, due to quirks in the Aurora engine). Anyone care to
> help?
I can't help you because of my unknowledge of GTK Theming, but still you've
done a very good job ! I've been watching the list for days now, to see if
someone will try to realize this awesome mockup, and your creation is quite
good. So I just wanted you to keep up the good work, and keep on trying
enought to reach the mockup. I won't tell you what must be done and not, the
only thing you can focus on is the original screenshot. For the moment, a
great improvement would be the top outline of windows, because without it a
bunch of windows opened can be quite confusing if you can't distinguish very
well the borders.

Well, to summup, keep up the great work ! Dust is the only __real__ theme
I've saw on this list ! :)


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