Matthew Nuzum wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 9:41 PM, AA Boy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello, there seems to be some discussion over at the forums about there not
>> being a default theme, and the references used are the Kyudo Guidelines
>> Mindset page and that the art deadline that just passed today. So, Canonical
>> is making a theme and releasing it with the Beta?
> Since this is the first release post-LTS the plan according to our
> discussion early in the release cycle was to do something
> revolutionary that would probably require more than one release cycle
> to accomplish. During the alpha stages there has been a dramatically
> different theme for the default in order to flush out bugs related to
> dark themes.
> I am not privy to the final decision by Mark (if a final decision has
> been made for Intrepid) but according to the plan from months ago,
> around now the default would revert to the same for hardy until Jaunty
> devel starts up again - actually, probably post UDS.
> Don't be surprised if the theme for Intrepid looks a lot like hardy,
> big changes are hard to accomplish in the few months alloted for one
> release. However, rest assured that we have had a *very* active and
> productive development cycle here on the art-team and there are
> several great themes in progress.

I can confirm this just like Matt. IMHO the dark theme development is not prior 
to general
development of Gnome themes today. Additional there are tons of crap themes out 
there based on
somewhat incomplete or massed up code. In theming dark color base gtkrc it make 
is so difficult to
find a good and workable combination. So, it gets the focus down on Ubuntu Art 
Team as we are to
make an easy choice for Canonical.

Cheers, Erno [szerencsefia]

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