On 26.11.2008 18:50, Anton Kerezov wrote:
> Hi all,
> I haven't been writing in the mailing list for some long time but now I
> have PC and Internet connection so I can continue my work on New Wave
> theme. I may not be able to spare as much time as before but the work on
> the theme will continue.

I am glad to read, that you will work on your great theme.

> Now I'm working on newer version that is going to have some enchanters
> such as animation-like behaviour of check and option buttons as well as
> better focus system (images). One thing that bothers me and other people
> though is the menubar+titlebar looking too flat or strange. So I'd like
> you to help me with some ideas. I'm thinking of adding some kind of
> texture but I don't know what. Plese share your opinion freely. Every
> word could be the key to some inspiration!

The flat style titlebar with the nice techy close, minimize and maximize 
looks great in my opinion. What i think is that this flat style doesn't 
really fit with the gradient scrollbar and gui styles. The titlebar 
could looks like the texture/gradient of the scrollbar.
Or everything has the same flat darkstyle like the titlebar.

If you want look like os x window style, decent dark metallic texture 
would be nice too.

Personally i like flat styles.


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