Ok. New uploads here:

    * applications-accessories
    * applications-development
    * applications-engineering
    * applications-graphics
    * applications-multimedia
    * applications-office
    * applications-other
    * applications-system
    * applications-utilities
    * gnome-screenshot
    * preferences-desktop-peripherals
    * preferences-desktop
    * preferences-other
    * preferences-system
    * system-file-manager
    * system-help

The "Categories" section
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Icons/Categories) is
just about done. Only missing: "applications-science" and
"preferences-desktop-personal" (which looks good but since it was just
uploaded I figured I'd let it sit for a day or so) :)

Sabastian, if you get a min, could you shape up "folder"? 32px down just
don't render right. If you do, I'll do user-home.

There is also some slight redundancies (mostly trashcans) because I
haven't added symlinking to the build script. Once I do that (hopefully
soon) the set should come down a bit in size.

Screenshot: http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/2154/breathecg7.jpg Some SVG
thumbnails render in Nautilus a bit funny but set shows fine.

-Cory K.

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