I made a "Start Here" logo based on Anton's idea.
You can see it at http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/113489/start-here2.png

2009/2/23 Thorsten Wilms <t...@freenet.de>

> Sorry for saying this so late, but by default, you have the menu where
> the logo belongs to "Applications", right? For this reason I think
> turning the logo into a button is problematic, as it doesn't have its
> own target area.
> That said, your take on it looks sharper and actually more recognisable
> than the Human icon.
> --
> Thorsten Wilms
> thorwil's design for free software:
> http://thorwil.wordpress.com/

I see what you mean.  I'll try to make more a logo than a button on a next
Seba (AKA spg76)
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