On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:08 AM, daniel planas armangué <
daniplana...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I really like the card but I would remove the music note and make the
> > card a little bigger.
> > Anyway, great work.
> > --
> > Seba (AKA spg76)
> > http://www.ubuntu-ar.org
> thank's. but i think if i remove de music note, de user don't understand
> the icon.

I'm not sure whether to agree. Most users didn't assemble their computers
and probably couldn't pick a sound card out of a lineup. However, most users
probably wouldn't be looking through their devices menu to find the sound
card icon, either.

If it comes down to cuteness, the music note wins because it's a cute idea.
If it comes down to realism, well, the sound card doesn't actually make any
sound, so the note would be gone.

> --
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