On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Cory K. <coryis...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Matthew Nuzum wrote:
>> Interestingly (or maybe unfortunately) enough, the person to talk to
>> on the matter is me.
> So is it also you I gotta stalk to get SVG display support added to the
> wiki or some lonely Canonical sysadmin? ;) Current info says Moin can do
> it but not our version.

Can you give me more details on this? I've not heard of this and the
SystemInfo page doesn't mention SVG support at all.

Because of the connection between wiki.u.c and launchpad it will
always have a more-paranoid-than-usual configuration. That means some
features can that can be used to inject active content (JS, flash,
object, etc...) cannot be enabled.

Why don't you add your suggestions here, but feel free to discuss them
on this list.

Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode, skype, linkedin, identi.ca and twitter

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