Am Samstag, den 23.05.2009, 11:31 -0400 schrieb Cory K.:
> Oliver Scholtz 1 wrote:
> > Am Samstag, den 23.05.2009, 08:24 -0400 schrieb Cory K.:
> >   
> >> @Oliver: Please, for the love of all that is holy, finish
> >> media-skip-forward!!!! :)
> >>
> >> I'll even shove these in for release if you finish it this weekend.
> >>     
> >
> > :-O This weekend I am quite busy. I think the next 2 weeks in
> > general ...
> >
> > I will look for time ... if I couldn't, so it have wait for the
> > future. ;)
> >   
> *PLEASE* find time this weekend. :) Just 1 more icon to go! :P
I will see. But I can't promise :-(

> > PS: What I don't understand is: It's fine to have for every size a icon
> > in svg. But It don't means that minimal corrections by hand at final
> > aren't possible. Every good Set do it. Even Gnome and Tango. ;)
> >   
> If you mean the rendered/rastered images, it would mean touching them up
> once again if you have to change something in the SVG image.
It's life. ;-) But the result is better and it's how you say
"sometimes". Retouching is not difficult ...

> *If* something needs to look a particular way when rendered, best to
> find a way to change the SVG so the rendered result is what's desired.
Of course. "Best to find" is the goal. But always the "best to find" is
not the real "best". The human-eye is the last instance for push it up
to the real "best". ;-)


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