
This looks awesome ;) I'll take a deeper look into it and suggest  
that a few others I know do as well.


On May 24, 2009, at 11:26 AM, Donn wrote:

> Hi,
> I have recently released a little python API that can do 2D vector  
> animation.
> You don't have to think entirely in Python code because you can do  
> all your
> artwork in Inkscape. Once that is done, you use Python to pull that  
> artwork
> out and animate it by keyframes and tweening.
> Things offers another twist which may be handy to you: You can  
> export each
> frame to either PNG or SVG files. This lets you create Ajax  
> throbbers, animated
> images by taking those files into some other process like imagemagick.
> You could also import the files into other software; like Blender  
> or video
> apps.
> With Things you can:
> 1. Contain Things in other Things. Example: a bird flying -- the  
> wings moving
> on a tween would be inside the Bird Thing which would in-turn be  
> tweening
> along a path across the screen.
> 2. Follow paths.
> 3. Clip Things to any path.
> 4. Animate size, position, alpha, rotation and tint.
> 5. Detect the mouse --  buttons, drag/drop etc.
> 6. Display frames from 'loops' which you draw (each frame of) in  
> Inkscape.
> 7. Draw any graphics that python-cairo is capable of. Including  
> pango text,
> gradients, paths, images, etc.
> So, the idea is to use Inkscape for the visual design and Things  
> for the
> animation thereof. Once this is done, you could distribute your  
> "thingum"
> script, or use the export feature to take the animation to other  
> places.
> If you visit the links in my sig, you will find the code, help for  
> the API and
> a PDF tutorial.
> It's been written on *buntu GNU/Linux and it's probably best to try  
> it on
> same. There are a few dependencies, but nothing you can't apt-get.  
> The script
> will (I hope) help you locate what you need -- just run one of the  
> demo
> "thingums".
> It's early days, and there will be bugs, but it's quite nice to see it
> actually working.
> Hope it helps,
> \d
> -- 
> home: http://otherwise.relics.co.za/wiki/Software/Things/
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/things/
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/fontypython/
> -- 
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> ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com
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