Am Sonntag, den 14.06.2009, 10:48 -0400 schrieb Cory K.:
> ... a system-search based on Oliver's
> submission (though I think the turquoise color needs serious help).
I hope somebody take the system-search-thematic again and makes some
better mod's from it. Or a new Set with the Loupes from Sebastian. 

> Where has Oliver gone?

For the moment all my motivations has gone ... differents things in my
life got more importance. I don't think that they aren't fitting well
with Breathe-Set. Normaly they will be seen in smaller sizes and it's
looking nice, doesn't it?
Okay ... there are missing only 3 icons for completion. If I don't find
back with my motivation; Sebastian wouldn't have any problems to finish

I am still observing ... all goes a good way. Will see when I *feel* for
a in-cooperation again.
But I am still thinking that all final icons needs a handish reparation
for be really perfect. Here I am quite good and even feel more fun ...

It's all at moment ...

Ahh ohh yes. I think that the Navi-Icons shouldn't haves this
light-reflection from 22 and above ... and they can be *a little bit
smaller*, too.


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