On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 13:31, Anton Kerezov <ank...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> This thread is about telling me what you would like to have
> changed/added in New Wave so that it better fits your needs. Fell free
> to express everything.
> Not everything that is requested thought will be included because first
> I'll have to make sure it will be of benefit to everybody else using the
> theme. So here is a list of things that are already changed and will
> make it in 0.8.1:
>  - Combobox fix in Open Office and other apps that use the old format
> option-box.
>  - Brasero notifications fix.
>  - Scrollbars inside OO and FF are much better looking and integrating.
>  - Metacity improvements for dialog windows (bottom line in titlebar and
> modal dialogs look different). unfortunately these additions do not show
> when you use compiz.
> Anton

It would be great to have a Firefox 3.5 theme available. :)

Yann Dìnendal
ubuntu-art mailing list

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