Saleel Velankar <> wrote:

> Mat Tomaszewski wrote:
> > So, enough babbling, this is the 3rd iteration. Let us know what you think!
> Sexy. I think the glow on the ubuntu logo needs to be turned down a 
> notch (currently it looks like a bad blurry outline). Actually enjoying 
> the rather fresh and unique colors.  Love the secondary lights, 
> darkening of 'floor'. Both user selection dialog, and password entry 
> dialog should have white stroke to remain consistent with bottom bar.

Guys I think you have pretty much nailed the background etc. well done

I just feel that the menus look a bit too white, maybe less of a white blur and 
lessen the white
block on the menus

Other than that, fantastic


Tuesday, 18th August 2009

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