On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 16:13 -0300, Sebastian Porta wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 3:55 PM, mac_v <drkv...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>         On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 13:10 -0500, Saleel Velankar wrote:
>         > Will these modifications find their way to humanity?
>         >
>         No. Not right now.
>         We'v been noticing them in gnome-look. Though some of the
>         icons are
>         good  , the majority are not. There are inconsistencies   ;)
> Could we have some kind of guideline in the near future to try avoid
> this inconsistencies?
> I made a blueprint for this.
> https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/humanity/+spec/create-guidelines

Awesome , I think we'd have one for panel icons by the end of the UX

When doing the icons for Karmic , One color didnt fit both the light and
dark panels :/
I had to do twice the work for humanity and humanity-dark. Was a real
pain . </rant off >

I'm really trying to push this idea> 

This [-symbolic idea] is the best solution. That way the text will match
the color of the icons. 

Other than the Panel , there are other places where such monochromatic
icons can be used in the system too.

The color apart , the icon sizes on the gnome-look are a huge problem .
I'v tried to keep a consistent icon padding , so that we dont have
problems of different icon sizes. 
And using fill for the icons just makes the icons appear too dark and as

Just to mention a few, Once the sprint is over and the UX team mentions
how they are implementing it.. We can start on completing the

>         We havent added icons for the panel since the icons are also
>         used by the
>         apps and system menus too.
>         We are currently waiting for the code to allow for separate
>         panel icons.
>         The design team seems currently working on this for Lucid.
>         So, once this is done , we'd add the icons to the Humanity
>         theme too.
> Good to hear that they're are working on a fix for this.
> OT, I made icons, based on my Breathe icons, for the dictionary and
> rhythmbox that are currently missing in Humanity.
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/113489/accessories-dictionary.svg
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/113489/rhythmbox.svg
> I don't know if you can use but I like so much the Humanity theme that
> just wanna show you :)
> -- 
> Seba (AKA spg76)
> http://www.ubuntu-ar.org
Cool , 
But the UX folks had us remove all the app specific icons :/ 
Not sure if its allowed again... 

For Karmic itself , we wanted to to do the monochrome icon for the
Ubuntu logo and kwwii said no.. 
Now, he is all excited once it was posted on the web ;p   

Maybe similarly, we can add more app icons too... ;) Kenneth ? 

In the dictionary icon  , the alphabets could be etched-in rather than
being raised.


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