On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 14:09 +0000, Liam Wilson wrote:
> Hey all; 
> Some of us on the Ubuntu-uk LoCo have come up with an idea for a new
> project - creating a marketing campaign for Ubuntu using Viral Videos
> - short little videos that get a message across, similar to
> Microsoft's efforts, we also discussed a TV advert, but deicded Viral
> Videos were better because:
>      1. It's cheap - no cost of getting it on the air
>      2. Easy to spread - just send a link to friends/family, etc
>      3. More involvement - the project can go on for a longer time
>         period, and people from other countries can contribute, too.
>      4. It'll last longer - Any videos made will stay online for as
>         long as the video hosting sites are up.
> Before this project actually gets to a head, I'd just like to know who
> would definitely be interested in contributing. And it wouldn't just
> be making videos, remember, we need people to manage any web hosting
> channels we have, people to create themes and or/artwork for the
> channels, and to be possibly be included in the videos, people to keep
> the wiki updated, poeple to suggest ideas that can be used in videos,
> there are PLENTY of ways to contribute, so just because you can't make
> a video, doesn't mean there won't be something for you to do.

You plan to use Youtube? or a new site?

Could a new group be created in youtube or vimeo,  Viral-Ubuntu or
Ubuntu-? , [similar to the deviant art group] and ask interested folks
to join? [just curious , havent yet planned to do any videos] 
Nice idea though. :)


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