If I may offer some comments.. :) perhaps constructive, perhaps not. I
am not a layout specialist :D

I think a combination of the icons from (c) and the layout of (b)
would work the best.

The missing "computer" icon might take away from the end user that
this is a computer manual, although there is a mouse pointer - which I
originally thought wasn't needed, but I agree that it conveys the idea
of "computer" to the user.

I would also like to say that I think the icons in (b) should be
spaced so they are justified with the dot grid, because when they
aren't it competes with the left margin.  The layout of the icons in
(a) works because there is no dot grid, but with the dots, it implies
to me that there is two sections of the title page, the left margin
and the right with graphics - thus when the icons are not the same
width, it breaks up this duality.

I like the drop-cap style with the ubuntu logo as well - it brings
your attention to the very recognizable logo.

Basically, I think what I'm saying is, keep the drop caps CoF and
layout from (b), and add all the icons from (c), perhaps justifying
them with the dots grid.

Thanks for listening :)

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