On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Thorsten Wilms <t...@freenet.de> wrote:

> On Mon, 2010-03-22 at 16:03 -0400, Dea Million wrote:
> > Anyway, I just did another version.  Comments anyone?
> > http://homepage.mac.com/deazigns/bike-jersey-3.png
> Circle around the CoF on Right Side is too similar to the background or
> vice versa. If I try to imagine how this will end up with a person in
> it, I doubt the logo-type on the arms will work well (kinda cylindrical
> surface, bend, wrinkled).

I just wanted to mention that since these are bike jerseys, typically they
are worn tight.  Jerseys that wrinkle and flap in the wind cause drag, which
isn't good.  I think the Ubuntu text on the sleeves looks good and would
work well in this case.  I've seen lots of other jerseys that have text on
the sleeves like that and they look nice.

> This approach to the lynx could be great, strong, wild, fast, but you
> should try to make the cat more recognizable.
> Thinking of the composure of a racing cyclist, the back panel might
> actually be the better canvas.
I think the back would be a good choice too.  Most of the time cyclists are
hunched over and you don't get a good look at the front.  I think it is good
to have something on the front, but having the lynx on the back would look
good too.

> Thank you for working on this!
I totally agree!  Thank you very much Dea.  This is going to be an awesome
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