On Sun, 2010-09-19 at 20:28 +0000, Martin Owens wrote:
> Hey Art Team,
> On Sun, 2010-09-19 at 23:16 +0530, Vishnoo wrote:
> > Trim the list to contributors only, only those that post and
> > > contribute regularly. 
> I would _highly_ advise against trimming a community, so long as the
> silent majority are doing no harm to the work,

Hrm!! Where did i suggest that! That is not my quote.. ;)

Just to be clear, what I suggested in 
<https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2010-September/012263.html> is :

 We can leave this mailing list as it is! i.e. Open

- Since it is easier for people to ask questions here

And what we could do is to make the lp team moderated

- Since a lp account is needed to make changes/uploads to the concerned repos.


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