My apologies for the brusque language!  I actually copied and pasted
my list from an earlier post I made on a blog that...well...the
commenters there are much more "free" in their language.  I thought
that I had cleaned up the list before I sent it off, but I see that I
let that one get by.  Definitely my intention isn't to denigrate
anyone's efforts.

Rather, I meant that in an objective way, it looks like enough design
decisions were not made where they should be.  It's pretty clear that
some of the spacing is coming from the GTK widgets' behavior rather
than an active choice to space elements in a certain way.  Whether
this is the result of necessary compromises, oversights, or lack of
designer-power is unclear.

I will get in touch with Ayatana, I didn't realize that they were in
charge of design.  Thanks for the suggestion and the tips!


On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 3:22 AM, SorinN <> wrote:
> ...some players as Banshee need a plug-in to be listed
> also I have many players installed - but the applet see only Rhythmbox
> (which is not my player of choice btw.)
> I have Listen, Exaile, Guyadeque now - all working on the same time -
> and none of them is listed.
> Maverick is up to date.
> 2010/10/11 Thorsten Wilms <>:
>> On Sun, 2010-10-10 at 17:05 -0500, Ersin Akinci wrote:
>>> I'm not sure where to send this, so my apologies if I've contacted the
>>> wrong list.  I was looking at 10.10's new volume control menu,
>>> pictured here:
>> Hi Ersin! You raise many good points, thanks for writing them up. But
>> this should go to the Ayatana list.
>> While no further discussion should happen here, I can answer this one:
>>> 3. Why is Rhythmbox even mentioned by name at all? How is that
>>> important? If you're going to be locking in the applet with a
>>> particular music player anyhow, what's the point of repeating its
>>> name?
>> Every running player application will appear in the menu. You just see
>> the case where it's Rhythmbox alone.
>> --
>> Thorsten Wilms
>> thorwil's design for free software:
>> --
>> ubuntu-art mailing list
> --
> Nemes Ioan Sorin
> --
> ubuntu-art mailing list

Ersin Y. Akinci --

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