Hi John, hi Ubuntu Artwork team :-)

First of all, John, I'd like to say publicly before your colleagues a
big thanks for your positive ideas and responses to the
contact-building started between the two projects. I think it's very
beneficial to the burgeoning LibreOffice project, but I think its a
positive thing for FOSS generally to do this kind of thing.

I'm actively promoting the idea of a LibreOffice logo/mascot
competition, and I would love to see an active involvement with Ubuntu
Artwork in this initiative. I've posted about it in a dedicated thread
in the LibO marketing list:


I'm very much hoping that there will be a positive outcome to this.
Guys, please do feel free to jump in with any ideas you have.

All the best, and more power to you (from a full-time and very happy
Ubuntu user). :-)

David Nelson

ubuntu-art mailing list

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