On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 15:51 -0800, j_baer wrote:

> * Single image for all resolutions ( viz. aspect ratio independent )

Aspect ratio independent design is a horrible idea regarding
composition. There's not much besides undefined blurriness that won't
look wrong with another then a single intended aspect ratio.

It's also very unnecessary, as there is "Style: Zoom" in background
settings. Isn't that the default? If it is not, that's a bug!

Of course that means you have to deal with varying parts of the image
being cropped, then. See the templates at the bottom of

> * "png" file format

And/or SVG.
Eventually XCF, ORA or KRA (Krita) sources.

> * 1900 x 1200 dimensions { ? }

2560 x 1600 pixels.

> * CC license

Needs to be more specific:
I guess national instead of the unported version are ok, though I have
no clue about what it means if a french person creates a derivative of a
work that is licensed under a spanish CC license ...

Without the Share-Alike part is OK, too.

> * Suggested palette

More in a sense of "has to go well with these colors we use in the
interface", please not in a sense of "wallpaper must be blue".

> * Theming suggestions

Suggested topics. Desired message and/or characteristics.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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