My simple concept:

Not finished. Anyone else is free to draw on it.


On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 17:54 -0500, Scott Howard wrote:
> Hello artists,
> QCad is a very popular GPL CAD program in Debian and Ubuntu. However,
> upstream has not released a new version in a while, and will be
> removed from Debian after squeeze. A new fork of the project,
> "LibreCAD" has started. They have already ported QCad to qt4 and
> implemented many community patches that the original upstream did not
> have the resources to test and implement. The Edubuntu team is
> currently working on getting LibreCAD included in natty. The package
> is working, but we are lacking a desktop icon and good splash screen.
> is running a design contest for their logos.
> Information is on their site. We're looking for a standard
> icon (.svg preferred).
> The package is available at ppa:showard314/librecad
> Please take a look, and I'm sure upstream will welcome any
> contributions you can make!
> Thank you.
> Cheers,
> Scott

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