Hi John

On 16/02/11 12:36 PM, John Baer wrote:
> I am sorry to hear of your decision and I certainly echo my appreciation
> to everyone who posted wallpaper submissions. 
> Please don't feel the need to respond but if I had been asked I would
> have suggested Martin add his illustration to the others.

I believe Martin did say that you suggested that to him, the problem was
that he (and other artists that I spoke to before) explicitely don't
want to participate in a competition.

Do you think we should still make it a competition for the wallpapers
currently submitted and perhaps only select 3 of them for inclusion on
the disc? That way the most favourite submissions will at least get more
exposure and we can blog about it, etc.

Also, do you think that competition-style selections are the best way to
do things like this? Do you know of any alternatives? It's something
that we'll need to think about for future releases for sure, and it
would be awesome if we could get it right.


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