Hey John

Thanks for sharing that page. I think some of that guidance is very useful and could be added to the existing wallpaper page on the Ubuntu wiki so that we're still talking about this in the same place as we always have.


Would you/ someone be up for drafting an update?


On 07/07/11 09:46, Timur Carpeev wrote:
Please advice how to unsubscribe from this emails. Thank you
On Jul 7, 2011, at 12:26 AM, John Baer wrote:


I put together some ideas on a wiki page for discussion here: 

In order to maintain transparency I must disclose the core document was drafted 
by Máirín Duffy ( aka Fedora :) for the same purpose. The revisions I made was 
my attempt to blend it to Ubuntu.

Feel free to discuss here or make changes / comments on the Wiki page.

When agreed, my vision is this page is moved to the Artwork Team wiki location 
with links added to Flickr.

Kind regards,

ubuntu-art mailing list

Iain Farrell
Project Manager

Canonical Design Team
m: 0777 3322970
e: iain.farr...@canonical.com

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