On 08/02/2012 07:44 AM, Mirek2 wrote:
Thanks for the replies.
The SVG was done from scratch, but it aims to copy the exact look of the
Ubuntu Ambiance theme, which I'm sure there's some copyright on.
Unfortunately, I don't know the license it's under nor the contributors.
Ideally, though, with Canonical's permission, I'd like to license it as
permissively as possible, to encourage the widest adoption.
Is there an e-mail address I could use to contact someone from Canonical's
design team directly?
I was very curious about this, so I ran it by a lawyer friend. It depends on the country that you're in, but copyright may not apply here. While you've attempted to create a work which closely matches the appearance of elements of the Ambiance theme, you've done so in a new medium and made use of a novel layout. Generally, just because something looks like something else doesn't make it a derivative work. Intent matters a lot too. This is why you can copyright Harry Potter, but not, a wizard boy goes to school and has many adventures. Moreover, the ability to copyright all elements of a design is highly contentious and not recognized in a lot of countries and jurisdictions. (I know, you've explicitly stated you wish to clone Ambiance, which makes this a derivative work, but I'm trying to make a larger point.) In this case, what you're looking at is trademark, which has a whole different set of guidelines.

Canonical has pretty clear about how they wish to see Ambiance used (see https://launchpad.net/light-themes and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy). This was taken from their website:

Ambiance is licensed under: Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike, Other/Open Source (Unless otherwise indicated, artwork is available under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license v3.0 or any later version.

To comply with this license, you need to:

1.) Acknowledge your UI kit is a derivative work of Ambiance and provide appropriate attribution 2.) Be willing to share it with those who would like to further build on your work, and allow them the right to do so as well. You could even charge for it, if you wanted (again, not a factor, just a general point).

For further questions, see the urls I provided above.

If you wish to touch base with the design team (though it's not clear that they are the responsible parties for Ambiance), you can reach through the Canonical Design site: http://design.canonical.com/

If unable to help, they would probably be able to point you in the right direction.

Best of luck and thank you for the kit. I'm sure it will be very helpful to other designers. I've already been able to use it in mock-ups for a project I'm working on now.


Rob Oakes

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