On Wed, 2008-04-23 at 18:06 +1000, Scott McKean wrote:
> Dave,
> > Blatant spam in my book.  I won't consider purchasing anything from you
> > _ever_!  If in doubt leave it out.  btw this is not prior commercial
> > communication, so it doesn't give you an out for spamming me again the
> > future.
> Sebastian asked where it could be sourced, I don't know of another shop
> in .au that is selling / will be selling them online otherwise I would
> have included a link them as well. My intention was to help, not to drum
> up business.
> I certainly will 'leave it out' in future.

I want to agree with this he (original poster) did directly ask about
online retailers. 

And where people brought there EEEpc from i would me more upset if the
retailer posted that he brought him for company X and they are really
good and it ended up being himself. It was a honest blatant plug. 

It wasn't blatant spam, as it wasn't completely unsolicited. 

Anyway just my 2c

"btw this is not prior commercial communication, so it doesn't give you
an out for spamming me again the future."
 Someone has gotten bored and read the anti-spam act. :P 



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