The Wassermans wrote:
> ...
> I am a brand new Ubuntu convert.  I have been contemplating the move
> from Windows for a while.  I downloaded the Windows version of
> Thunderbird and ran that for a month or two before the move.  I was
> reasonably happy with it.
> ...
> By the same token, I am still trying to come to grips with the whole
> thing.  It's all very foreign to me still.

If that is the case, i would try to use as many of the same applications
as possible while you try to come to grips with the other differences.
I've got a bit of a list of some of these apps here:
There are more at other sites focused on switching to Linux.

> ...
> Tell me.  What drove you so crazy regarding Evolution?

Mostly the lack of sensible keyboard strokes for simple actions like
next & previous message.


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