There looks to be a Calendar already, I can't see who manages it, but it's
time is set to Adelaide gmt+9.5. Can we get events like this added at least
a week in advance, I am happy to be the maintainer as long as I am notified.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:57 AM, peter baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hey guys
> I notice that it has been a month since our last irc meeting.  how do
> people feel about having another one on tuesday the 24th of june at 9pm
> sydney time (1100UTC)??
> there is no agenda at the meetings 
> page<>,
> but I thought if nothing else we could start discussing software freedom
> day <> (late september)
> peter
> --
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list

Morgan Storey,A+, MCSE:Security.
Senior Network and Security Consultant.
ubuntu-au mailing list

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