On 01/07/2008, Paul Gear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Owen Townend wrote:
>  > ...
> >   I was previously with OptusNet Cable when living with my parents:
>  > the noticable (so far) mirror that Optus has that iiNet doesn't is
>  > Sourceforge.
> I don't know how it goes when you're an Optusnet customer, but from
>  iiNet, Optustnet's SF.net mirror doesn't even work half the time, and i
>  get better and quicker access setting my preferred mirror to be one on
>  the U.S. West Coast.
>  Paul

  When using optus cable sourceforge always picked the optus mirror
for me (provided the file was available on it) and I never had any
issues with it. Since using iiNet adsl sourceforge has _never_ chosen
the Optus mirror for me and I have had no reason to manually override
its choice.


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