On Wed, 2 Jul 2008 05:54:43 am Paul Gear wrote:
> ishwor wrote:
> > ...

[ ... ]

> A simpler method than NFS would be rsync:
>       aptitude install rsync # on both systems
>       cd /var/cache/apt
>       rsync -av . otherbox:/var/cache/apt # replace /var/cache/apt
>                                           # with $PWD if you prefer

@OP - Or as Paul mentions -> rsync ^_^

> > Now go to other box-
> > # cd /some/exported.share/
> > # dpkg -i *.deb;
> Now this will get you in big trouble.  What if you have different
> packages on the different boxes?  You'll get dependency problems.  The

FYI Paul, the OP mentions that he/she is upgrading both boxes simultaneously 
but do not want to expend the effort/cost of downloading at both the places. 
And hence, both the boxen have the needed for exactly the same packages. That 
is what I thought earlier and wrote straight off in one go <err, without 
thinking too much>. ^_^

Or, perhaps I haven't been clear about -
"Bear in mind, the dependencies have to be exact in both the machines. :)"

Basically it means -
a) Needed packages for box A - foo1.deb, foo2.deb, foo3.deb
b) Needed packages for box B - foo1.deb, foo3.deb, foo4.deb

Package upgraded via our method (both nfs+rsync) here is foo1.deb. Our manual 
drudgery sucks anyway compared to the harrisony's. moo! :D

> simple thing to do after you've rsynced the apt cache is just upgrade
> normally - it will use the cached files instead of downloading them again.

Or, just uprade; yes as Paul writes. So essentially
instead of 
# dpkg -i;
the op can do
# aptitude upgrade
in the second box.

So, how's everyone's morning going? If I've been rude a bit then I am sorry.
My name is Ishwor. Nice meeting you all Ubunturos! ;) 


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