Hi Wassermans,

On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 01:04:51 pm The Wassermans wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-07-04 at 01:21 +0930, ishwor wrote:
> > While I understand ocassional M$ bashing, what I do not understand is why
> > linux / GNU(moo)/Linux users have to criticise Microsoft Windows all the
> > time? Haven't we got something that's original of our own? I mean can't
> > we just let it alone? It's the same crowd everywhere these days from
> > slashdot to mailing list. MS Windows taks it from left/right/bottom/up in
> > much the same way as linux takes it from BSD.
> Okay.  You've touched my guilt nerve.  I can understand, and even
> sympathise with your irritation.  I just struck me as funny at the time.
> Err.  What does "BSD" mean please?
> Dave W

BSD - Berkeley Software Distribution. To get more information have a read 
through the wikipedia :) One primary difference between linux and bsd is that 
in bsd, everything in the system is worked on by a core set of bsd 
developers. compare that with linux where hundreds of developers/coders 
working on simulataneously/concurrently. plus the focus in lot of BSDs around 
is on strong codebase, security and ehnacibility. Everyone knows about 
openbsd's popular ssh server. it has pretty well withstood the time <so far>.

These days bsd's popular choice prevail as an alternative to 
windows/linux/solaris. Espceially Freebsd, OpenBSD and Netbsd. there are 
more. these were derived from 4.4BSD i think.

have a great weekend folks. Yay!

cheers dude


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