On Mon, 2008-07-07 at 09:23 +0930, ishwor wrote:
> Hi list,
> I am a bit curious as to what people here read daily? Obviously, there is no 
> slashdot-like page hosted within Australia. 
> The websites/forums that I regularly visit are slashdot, linuxworld, 
> whirlpool, lwn and ddj. Are there any more I am missing from the scene that 
> could potentially be of interest?

The Linux Australia Planet [0] is usually pretty good

If you are into web development there is sitepoint.com blogs[1], some of
which is from here.  There is also builderau.com[2] which can have some
good stuff.

There is APCmag.com[3] which has been going down hill steadily for a
while.  I have decided not to renew my print subscription for a few
reasons.  The last straw was when the online version called me a fatty
(with a pic) in a piece about the Google Developer Day.

The Age technology[4] news is slashdot repackaged /. lagging by upto a

I have 50 or 60 feeds I subscribe to, so let me know if you need more
geeky news sources.



[0] http://planet.linux.org.au
[1] http://feeds.pheedo.com/sitepoint_recent
[2] http://www.builderau.com.au/feeds/rss/?tag=latest_blogs
[3] http://apcmag.com/rss.xml
[4] http://feeds.theage.com.au/rssheadlines/technology.xml

PS You should have subscribed to http://feeds.feedburner.com/skwashd if
you haven't already ;)

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