This extract from my personal mail may be useful for other newbies to
the wonderful world of Linux:-

        He said:
        I noticed your question on the ubuntu-list.  Whenever I want to
        know something, what I write into the Google searchbar is this:
        "creating slideshow with sound in linux" for example.  Once you
        have done that you are qualified to ask the brainstrust for
        further guidance.  That way you show that you have tried to help
        yourself but still need a leg-up.
        I replied:
        I guess it might look like I haven't tried very hard.  Truth is
        I spent much time trying out the few Ubuntu programs I am aware
        of.  I even regressed back to Windows for a while.  In the end I
        thought it was simply a matter of discovering which Linux
        program would do the job.  So I asked, what I thought was a
        simple question.  
        That said, I have taken your advice.  Indeed, there is a wealth
        information on the Net.  Moreover, I can see that it is a lot
        complex than I originally thought.
        Thanks for the advice.  I guess I could have been smarter.    "

Dave W

ubuntu-au mailing list

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