On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 15:16 +0930, Karl Goetz wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 15:39 +1000, Simon Ives wrote:
> > I'm running Ubuntu Server 8.04 and I need to change the permissions
> for
> > a large quantity of files and directories.
> > 
> > I've got a directory named 'music' that I share with the home network.
> > This includes other Linux boxes that access this directory via nfs and
> > some Windows XP boxes accessing it via samba.  I've just transferred
> > around 80gb of music files and directories from a Windows drive and I
> > need a command to alter the permissions of all the files as read/write
> > for everyone.
> chmod -R

chmod -R does the job, thanks.

On Mon, 2008-08-11 at 16:19 +1000, ... wrote:
> The simplest way is to load up a terminal window and type (where
> 'music_directory' is replaced with the path where the music is.
> # cd music_directory
> # sudo chmod -R a+rw

This doesn't quite work as chmod needs a target.  From the parent
directory of the music directory the following needed to be typed:
sudo chmod -R a+rw music

Thanks for the assistance.

Simon Ives.

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