2008/8/13 James Purser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wed, 2008-08-13 at 19:36 +1000, Nick wrote:
>> Was wondering if anyone has had success in using linux/ubuntu for this
>> purpose? Is there a guide or kit list online that anyone can endorse?
> I myself use a winfast dtv1000 digital card. Software wise, I use a
> project called MythTV.

There is an Ubuntu variant called MythBuntu that as the name suggests
merges Ubuntu and MythTV
out of the box. http://www.mythbuntu.org/downloads
MythBuntu is a preconfigured merger, but the same can be achieved
simply by installing the 'mythbuntu-desktop' package available in the
multiverse repository. This can be good to know as the MythBuntu discs
are not always mirrored locally, but multiverse usually is (judging by
my current iiNet mirror).

>> Would like to be able to recieve both the free-to-air analogue and
>> digital TV chanelns (in Standard Def is fine) and also record the
>> shows... i presume i'll need some kind of remote or at least a wireless
>> keyboard.
> If you are receiving digital then aiming for the analogue equivelants is
> pretty much redundant.

Further on this: The standard analogue channels are repeated as the
Standard Definition digital channels,
then more channels are added such as the High Definition channels, ABC2 etc.
You would really have to have a solid specific need for an analogue
version to justify it.

>> Or is all too hard and should i just go with the appliance from Dick
>> Smith? Topfield 4410.
> The topfields are nice, really you need to ask yourself whether you want
> something that is just plug and play without fiddling, or if you're
> looking to build a home theatre system exactly the way you want to.

If you are hoping for a smooth experience with MythTV it really pays
to do a little research on the linuxtv wiki at
There are many devices that will work. One easy way to do the research
would be to check what tuners your usual PC supplier sells then check
the wiki to see if they'll work.

Hope this helps,

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