Hi Fellow Ubuntu Folk :-)))

Just a quickie to say... I've fixed my problems with Amarok music player &
also some other problems too.

### Problem SOLVED !!! ###

I ended up doing lots of things... & I'm not exactly sure which thing I did
actually worked !!! *SMILE*

One thing I did was to reboot to a Gnome terminal shell (not sure if that's
exactly the correct term). And I used the command (which I found one a
Ubuntu help website)

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restartsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

Then I discovered that the repositories were wrong!!! The were pointing to
Ubuntu repositories instead of Ubuntu Mint (Elyssa) ones. I used the Package
Manager to change them to Mint one's. Actually I managed get them all wrong!
E.g I had Mint 8 Repositories in the Package Manager... but they were not

SO ... I reboots and chose the Mint Recovery mode. And I then chose all 3
options for fixing problems!!! One of the boot up recovery options was to
fix the broken repositories... and I did that.

To my great happiness (poor wording, I know!!!) - my Ubuntu Mint (Elyssa) OS
is now working almost perfectly!!! *BIG SMILE & HAPPY GRIN**!!!

So now Ubuntu Amarok seems to work fine!

Yours with Love,

signing off from North Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

2009/1/4 Peter Williams <pew...@gmail.com>

> Hi Everyone,
> Firstly, I'll like to wish everybody here a sincerely Happy New Year for
> 2009 and all "Yuletide Seasons Greetings" *BIG HAPPY SMILE!!!*
> Okay.. here's my problem. I'm using Linux Mint Operating System & I think
> that its great!!! I also use Amarok music player and I have a lot of music
> files which I've 'ripped' from my music cds which I own. I returned home
> yesterday afternoon (3rd January 2009) from having a great holiday with my
> mum & dad in Victor Harbour, South Australia.
> My dad has a new computer system and he uses M$ Windowz XP Professional OS.
> He's having quite a few problems with it -- but I've tried to help him.
> Anyway... last night I switched on my computer and started Amarok (latest
> version, I think). And I had my computer play music thru' my Dell brand 2 x
> speakers and "harmon/kardon" sub-woofer (which I have from my old Dell
> computer I purchased many years ago).
> I was succesfully able to play music thru my speakers and subwoofer...
> while I was in bed sleeping. It was very pleasant!!! :-)))
> However, Amarok had some message about not being about to do something
> because "dcopserver" was not there!?!?!?
> Question: What Do I need to do on my computer to make Amarok work again?
> This morning (Sunday, 4th Jan 2009) I rebooted my pc a few times... then I
> rebooted into the recovery mode. And fixed some things. It seemed to improve
> some things.
> I then used the menu on the screen "System / Administration / Synaptic
> Package Manager" and I think I found the correct files to install the
> "dcopserver" and also some files for Amarok's "libvisual" thing! I then let
> Synaptic Package Manager do it's thing... And it downloaded and installed
> something! (I don't really understand what!)
> Anyway I've switched off my pc and rebooted it etc.
> Now when I try to start Amarok it does not start and I get a window with
> the following error message:
> Amarok Error Message
> --------------------------------
> DCOP communications error (Amarok)
> There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The
> message returned by the system was:
> Could not open network socket
> Please check that the "dcopsever" program is running!
> [OK] button
> nb - I will happily provide extra 'system specs' or details if requested...
> but I'll admit that I don't really understand what type of computer it is. I
> know that it is quite new and I really like my pc... but I don't really
> understand what processor speed or whatever it has!!! :-)
> It's rate myself as still a beginner at learning and using Linux Ubuntu
> Mint OS -- even thro' I've been using Linux Mint since sometime last year.
> also... I don't like using the 'terminal' console command ... because it's
> new and I don't really understand how it works. *SMILE* I'll use the
> terminal command line when I need to... but I don't really like it :-)
> *Yours PEW -- a little bit baffled as to why my favourite music player,
> Amarok, is not working!!!  *SMILE*
> *
> *from North Hobart, Tasmania.
> *
> --
> Fond Regards,
> Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS
> from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia -- phone (03) 6236-9675
> My free website is: http://pewtas.googlepages.com  (or)
> http://tinyurl.com/yuyejs
> (please visit my free website and let me know what you think about it.)

Fond Regards,
Peter Eric (aka 'pew') WILLIAMS
from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia -- phone (03) 6236-9675

My free website is: http://pewtas.googlepages.com  (or)

(please visit my free website and let me know what you think about it.)
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