Hi Callan,
May I ask the advantage of putting it in /mnt or /media over leaving it
in / (in root it doesn't show an icon)?
Is it 'better' in the sense of 'nix convention or is there another
advantage? I tend toward /home being better but only if I can overcome
the icon.
Many thanks,

On Fri, 2009-01-16 at 14:39 +1030, Callan Davies wrote:
> > There seems to be a disadvantage mounting it in /home/myname/3264common
> > - the drive icon shows on the desktop (annoying).
> > Mounting in /3264common does not show the drive icon but still mounts
> > OK.
> > Any thoughts why this should be so and how I can avoid just that one
> > drive icon showing when mounted in /home .. ? (I like my current setup
> > where the icons to show only if manually mounted).
> Hi David,
> Try putting it in /mnt/2364common instead
> I can't say I've tried it (I put all my mounts in /media/example), but one of
> the guys here at work tells me the icons will not appear on the desktop.
> Cheers
> Callan
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