SuperGeek wrote:
> ...
> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a'
> to correct the problem.
> E: _cache-> open() failed, please report.
> I might have only installed Ubuntu last week, and it was my first ever
> Linux distro, but I at least recognized the command  'dpkg --configure
> -a' as a Terminal command, which seems to be the Linux version of the
> DOS prompt. I put in the terminal command and it comes up with this:
> dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege
> So what's a superuser? I set up this computer, and I gave my user
> account full access to everything. So why is it telling me this?
> Help!
Don't panic!  Everything is probably fine.  The superuser is called
'root', and is the equivalent to administrator on Windows.

Normally on Ubuntu the way people access the root account is by using
the sudo command.  I usually just "sudo bash", which runs a command
shell as root, then all subsequent commands don't need the sudo in front.

Anyway, to fix your problem, just run
    sudo dpkg --configure -a

You may be prompted with a couple of questions, depending on the
package.  Make your best guess if you're not sure - you can always come
back later and do it again after you've posted your results to the
mailing list.


fn:Paul Gear
org:Liberty Systems & Software
tel;work:07 3122 2198
tel;cell:04 3183 7656

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    • Unconfigured packages (was Re: Help!) Paul Gear

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