James Takac wrote:
> ...
>> Those are good suggestions.  James, can you post the output of the ip
>> commands you used before from another (working) machine?  (Use "ipconfig
>> /all" and "netstat -rn" instead if it's a Windows system.)
> ...
> I thought ipconfig was the Windows program and ifconfig was the Linux one? 
> ipconfig doesn't work on any of my Ubuntu distros whilst ifconfig does

That's right - i was suggesting the other commands in case your only
working machines were Windows PCs.

> ...
> I noticed the one and only this time which is the gateway to my modem
> This is from a working unit, i.e. the one I'm typing on right now. It could 
> be 
> that my last update messed things up as I hadn't used that laptop since then?

That seems likely given that your settings listed above are almost
identical to the non-working laptop.  You're also using a different
wireless chipset (one with which i'm unfamiliar), so that may have some
effect as well.  Did you try reconfiguring your wireless with Network
Manager?  (That is grasping at straws - it should still work with
wireless turned off and the Ethernet plugged in.)  To do this, right
click the network icon, choose Edit Connections, and either delete and
re-add, or edit your wireless connection info.


fn:Paul Gear
org:Liberty Systems & Software
tel;work:07 3122 2198
tel;cell:04 3183 7656

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