Hi Ferdi and Ubuntu Mail Listers,

Thanks for the offer, Ferdi, but I think that the presentations might be
a bit of overkill at this stage. A couple of months down the track
The book idea is a good one, and having your e-mail from Germany is a
good, personal, example of just how universal Ubuntu is. A printed copy
is due for my display! 

It is back to researching the wiki for any more info that I can find
that might help this project along. Of course, if there are any more
offers ...



On Sat, 2009-06-13 at 14:29 +1000, Ferdinand Lehnard wrote:
> Dear Micheal,
> I did some IT consultancy some years ago to small sized companies  to
> make transition from MS systems to more cost reduced open source OS
> and Office systems. Out of that time I still have some Impress
> presentations, but unfortunately only in German language. If your time
> frame allows it to provide it somewhere later than at first of July I
> will have a look to get it updated and translated. I am sure you will
> find some parts from interest even you will get it beyond your
> deadline. Most of stuff I had done was on the base of SUSE Linux,
> partially on MEPIS and the older versions of UBUNTU in combination
> with OpenOffice, Opensource ERP and CRM programs and other programs,
> to keep their IT costs on an acceptable level.
> Furthermore for starters I can recommend to have a look into a book
> "BEGINNING UBUNTU LINUX" from Keir Thomas and Jaime Sicam, published
> by Apress, ISBN No. 1-59059-991-8.It's easy to understand and gives in
> my opinion an good introduction into the UBUNTU world, not too deep
> but for beginners just right. It comes with a double-sided CD with all
> ISO images to burn installation CD's for a number of Ubuntu versions,
> i.e. Ubuntu 8.04, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu etc..
> best regards
> Ferdi

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