On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Paul Gear <p...@libertysys.com.au> wrote:
> Dave Hall wrote:
>> ...
>> I personally will never use the forum, I find mailing lists far more
>> convenient.  I can read my mail anywhere anytime, a forum requires an
>> active internet connection.  Also my email client highlights what I
>> haven't read yet.
>> ...
>> I also think that for the site to have any credibility it needs to use a
>> subdomain of ubuntu.org.au - such of forum.ubuntu.org.au
> Chalk me up for a "me too" on what Dave has said.  I also prefer
> email/newsgroups because *I* get to decide what the emails look like on
> my machine (e.g. HTML/no HTML, font, size, etc.).
> Paul

I'm also not a fan of forums.

Some of my reasons for disliking forums (other than that Paul brought up):-
- Animated Avatars
- Knowing which forums to read involves drill down untill you can see the topic
- Slow!



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