Dear Peter,

some years ago I moved from Europe to Australia. In Europe we had within
the community I was living, people living next door who could help in
setup issues. As far as I understand the Linux community here in
Australia is still very young and Linux as an OS not very popular yet.
Because of the distances it's even more difficult to find together, but
it will come.

Each system offers advantages and disadvantages and we should leave it
to the individual with its individual preferences. I like my Ubuntu 8.04
and the rest of the family which is also quite happy in using either
Ubuntu or Edubuntu, We had some issues, switching from XP to Suse Linux
and than later to Ubuntu but they are all solved. All of us are now
working on very stable systems either in the business, for hobby or

In regard to the editing programs have a look on GIMP for photo
editing,, and F-Spot for photo management, if you didn't had a look at
it before. KINO or/and AVidemux for video editing are very good so far
and meet my needs for video editing. The classical genealogy program in
Linux is Gramps, I use Gramps and GenealogyJ.


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Goggin <>
To: <>
Subject: Problems with Ubuntu 9.1
Date: Sun, 08 Nov 2009 11:40:45 +1100

I read with interest the supposed problems with installing ubuntu 9.1
and getting applications to work. The implication was that it was much
easier with windows.  This is completely contrary to my experience.

I use XP home with programs such as Power Producer for video editing and
DVD creation. At the beginning of the year my mother board died and a
new one was installed with a clean installation of XP. So far I have not
been able to get Power Producer to work. The manufacturer of the
software says it is a driver issue, even though the l;ates drivers for
all the periperal cards were installed. Windows experts point to the
software.  No one wants to own the problem and so I have had to purchase
other programs.

I am gradually putting equivalent application on my Linux box and when I
can find a video editing program like VideoReDo , a good genealogy
program and a photoediting I will thankfully wave goodbye to Windows and

Every application I have installed on Linux using synaptic package
manager has worked first time and I have never had problems with missing

I would like to thank all those people who have devoted time and energy
to make this possible.


Peter Goggin

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