On Thu, 2010-01-28 at 07:48 +1100, jimtipp...@optusnet.com.au wrote:
> By way of introduction, I have been using Ubuntu for about 18 months, but 
> only on quite old computers (6-7 years).  I need to replace my desktop and am 
> trying to decide what to purchase.
> Apart from web access, the programs I most commonly use are OpenOffice, 
> GnuCash and some old windows programs I run with wine.  One additional 
> application I want to use is video editing.  I would like the new computer to 
> boot quickly and run the above applications with ease.
> My hardware knowledge is limited but I have been considering the following:
> Clarkdale CPU with integrated graphics/motherboard to suit
> 8 Gig ram
> SSD drive for operating system (64 bit Lucid), hard drive for /home
> Would appreciate any suggestions or comments
> Jim Tippett
Video editing and integrated graphics don't usually go together. 

You may want to beef that up to a dedicated graphics. nvidia something

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