> I believe you are flogging a dead horse. 

Well yes I may be, but I still wish to try...

> A while ago now, I first heard the phrase "the vocal minority", I
> thought it was pretty clever at the time. Now it gets used whenever a
> groups leadership is challenged. You see, apparently ubuntu-au locos
> downfall wasn't the responsibility of the leadership, but the fault of
> the vocal minority. But you won't find that said anywhere logged.

Well this is possible however I feel that the for a group to exist there
needs to be healthy discussion, this has been lacking within the -au
team for some time. As was clearly the case with Andrew"s proposal, some
were very quick to criticise but not put up an alternative to discuss,
instead chose to simply attempt to make the whole debate a slanging
match. This is why I believe the whole process broke down. 

> If you speak up, you are labeled a vocal minority, a trouble maker,
> someone to watch out for, a kook.

Well I have been called a lot worse over the years! ;-)

> It's coded, been down for years, let it rest in peace. 

No lets attempt to make something worthy of it so the previous work has
essentially not all been for nothing.

Scott Evans VK7HSE
Phone: +61362291658
Mobile: +61417586157
Skype: vk7hse

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