On 14/05/10 14:03, Lisa Milne wrote:
Well, with comments such as "you are flogging a dead horse" floating
around it appears there are some who don't want to see an official
Australian Ubuntu LoCo. Which is fine, if you don't want one, you don't
have to be involved.

There are of course many that do want such a thing to exist, there may
be varying opinions on what the structure should be, who should be in
charge, etc. etc. But lets get down to basics, regroup, and see who's
willing to get involved:

Do you want to see an official Australian Ubuntu LoCo?

yes or no?

(yes from me)

Part of this may be a perverse need on my part to differentiate myself from the crowd ;-) but i feel compelled to be the first NO.

Now, let me qualify that a little: the LoCo council has refused re-approval because they believe we're not in a position to be a LoCo at the moment. I think their concerns are justified. I say it's time to hit the pause button, take a few deep breaths (quite a few, actually), get some positive grass-roots action happening, and come back to discuss this again when we have a few more months of getting along well with each other under our collective belt.

I asked on IRC the other night and i haven't yet been given any reason that we /absolutely require/ an approved LoCo in order to do the things we want to do. (As far as i can tell, we won't immediately lose our mailing list, web site, IRC channel, or anything like that.) Sure, some things might be /better/ with a LoCo, but we don't /need/ one in order to work together.

Not only that, we're actually a bit lacking in actual ideas for local promotion of Ubuntu. My perception is that most of what people are calling for at the moment is just nailing down structure. I ask: even if the structure is set up ideally to your liking, what then? What will you do with that ideal structure? Why not start making positive contributions now, without the ideal structure? (My next email will contain my suggestion for one such grass-roots action.)


P.S.  Harrisony: i want my $5. :-P

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