Hello phil,

I have not tried using wunbi on a windows xp 64 bit but it should not
make much of a difference.

You may have a bad cd or a bad cd drive, i have had some problems
loading some cd's with various drives so it may be best to not use one
at all, instead just download the files yourself.

go to http://wubi-installer.org/ and download wubi.exe
Go to your favorite mirror (such as your isp's mirror) and download
ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso or ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso and place
this in the same directory as wubi.exe and it will use that for the

wubi uses the normal windows boot loader to launch ubuntu, this is
configured by boot.ini, this file is hidden on windows, can you check
this file and see if it has a line something like:

C:\wubildr.mbr = "Ubuntu"

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