This laptop is way out if warranty. It's an ex-business laptop, and as a result 
as seen quite a few hard years. Parts of every key have gone smooth from the 
all the typing.

Boden Matthews
Sent from my iPhone

On 08/08/2010, at 9:42 AM, Dave Hall <> wrote:

> On Sat, 2010-08-07 at 14:58 +1000, Boden Matthews wrote:
>> On 07/08/10 13:47, Martin Visser wrote: 
>>> Spraying quantities of isopropyl alcohol into the key switch might
>>> dislodge or clean corrosion or gunk that is between the contacts.
>>> Prise the keytop off and spray while hammering on the switch. 
>>> (This is not professional advice so all risk is yours). 
> [...]
>> Prying the control key off, I discovered some corrosion in there, and
>> the isopropyl alcohol did the trick. Thanks Martin!
> If the machine was still under warranty could have claimed a new
> keyboard.  I'm on my 3rd keyboard on my 2 year old Dell D830.  Laptop
> keyboards usually last 12-18 months for me.  It is surprising how much
> firmer a new keyboard feels after you swap it.  You don't notice the
> slow degrading of the old one until you have a comparison.
> Cheers
> Dave

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