Good morning/afternoon/evening Ubuntu-AU'ers,

I've had a request to add someone to the Ubuntu-AU Planet so I thought
I'd ask around to see if anyone else wanted adding or changing while
we're at it. For those of you who aren't sure what the planet is,
quoting directly from - "Planet Ubuntu
Australia is a window into the world, work and lives of Australian
Ubuntu developers and contributors."

So if you're an Australian who develops, contributes or just even uses
Ubuntu and you have a blog, let me know. All I need to get this
organised is:
 * Your name as you want it displayed on the planet
 * The URL of your blog home page
 * The URL of the RSS feed for the blog
 * Optional: a 72 pixel by 72 pixel picture of yourself or logo to
identify your blog to the readers.

So if you want to be immortalised on the planet please send me an
email off-list with the details listed above and I will send off the

If anyone is already on the planet but wants to update their details
(looking at the list Harrison Conlin, Matthew Rossi and Quail all have
links to pages that don't exist, has your blog moved hosts recently?)
or add a new picture please send me the details as well so I can
include it all in one request.


Jared Norris JP(Qual) BBehSc(Psych)

ubuntu-au mailing list

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